Land Acknowledgement
It is important for me as a professional in the urban planning field to provide this working Land Acknowledgement statement and reflect that I am a guest on traditional unceded lands.
UrbanLens Planning provides professional planning services throughout Oregon and I recognize and honor the Indigenous peoples whose traditional and ancestral homelands this includes, including the Clackamas, Kalapuya, Kathlamet, Multnomah, Nestucca, Siletz, Tillamook and many other indigenous nations of Oregon. I honor the legacy and the descendants of these communities. I am here as a result of immense sacrifices forced upon these people and their ancestors as a result of colonization. I acknowledge the magnitude of colonialization on these cultures, their people and the relationship with the land itself. I will work to promote these difficult truths into regular and active public discourse that centers those affected first and foremost. I will work to take additional concrete actions toward a pathway forward that provides opportunities for land transfer including:
• Devoting class time to these issues as part of teaching Land Use and Implementation at Portland State University;
• As the Oregon APA Ethical Education Officer, creating opportunities for conversations to reflect colonization as part of our professional ethical framework; and
• Considerations for inclusion in Oregon’s Statewide land use goals as opportunities to heal relationships with the land itself.
I recognize that this is a first step in the process and that this is only the beginning in creating long lasting change in my profession and our relationship with all members of the community in Oregon.
** Learning resources: For those of you interested in creating a statement, here is a list of resources which I found helpful:
1. The Oregon APA Chapter (OAPA) discussion on Anti-racist Planning Practice: An Indigenous Perspective, on 12/16/20. If you missed it, OAPA will be making the webinar recording available for purchase soon via the website.
2. For learning about who’s land you are on: and
3. The Native Governance Center, found here as a resource for writing an Acknowledgement Statement.
Company Practices
“Look closely at the present you are constructing: it should look like the future you are dreaming.” Alice Walker
The company practices for UrbanLens Planning, LLC are our commitment to the present and the future.
As an urban planning/professional services firm, UrbanLens Planning is committed to civic engagement that fosters the well-being of our community. We have provided and continue to provide, volunteer and pro-bono services to several local non-profit organizations, including Know Your City. We are an active member of Business for a Better Portland as well as the Oregon chapter of the American Planning Association and the Planning and Women Division. We participate in the activities of the Sustainability Communities Division of the American Planning Association. UrbanLens Planning, LLC illustrates its respect for the community, clients and our stakeholders and strives to provide thoughtful and meaningful deliverables.
UrbanLens Planning has committed to being a good steward for the environment. We source sustainable office products: from fair-trade coffee to recycled content products. We place a priority on collaborating with local, women-owned, sustainably-minded businesses for our suppliers and professional partners. Electricity for our office is powered by 100% renewable power through GreenPower Oregon and we share open space that is Certified Backyard Bird Habitat since 2015. We use alternative transportation as often as possible for connecting with clients and the community.
Reeder Road Culvert Replacement.
In partnership with a Prime Consultant, UrbanLens Planning provided land use permitting support for Multnomah County’s bridge/road rebuild at Reeder Road. Robin worked with Multnomah County Land Use Planning Division to obtain an Erosion and Sedimentation Control permit, Floodplain Development permit and a Land Use Compatibility Statement. (2023-25) Photo courtesy of Parametrix